GraphCDN has a few limits you show be aware of.

Size Limits

The maximum response size that GraphCDN can handle right now is 133mb. Everything bigger than that will fail. We're working on increasing that limit.

The maximum response size which can be purged is 2mb.

The maximum response size of a mutation which will end up in purging is 2mb.

The maximum timeout of request to your origin is 5 minutes.

The maximum query size which we can process is 40kb. Anything bigger than that will be passed through to your origin without GraphCDN being able to cache it. For reference: The introspection query has a size of about 1kb.

Request Batching

Request batching in array form will be passed through to the origin without analyzing the queries and won't be cached. In case you use request batching, please let us know at and we will implement it.

Persisted Queries

Apollo's automated persisted queries are passed through as of now and not cached. In case you use them in production, please let us know and we implement caching for them as well.

Request Limits

There is no limit on how many requests you can do at the same time.